Tag Archives: mms

Πως παρασκευάζουμε το CDS – Chlorine Dioxide Solution

Πως παρασκευάζουμε το CDS - Chlorine Dioxide Solution

Πως μπορούμε να παρασκευάσουμε CDS με απλό τρόπο. CDS – Chlorine Dioxide Solution. Το CDS είναι ένα συμπυκνωμένο υδατικό διάλυμα διοξειδίου του χλωρίου, χωρίς περιεκτικότητα σε χλωριούχο νάτριο στο διάλυμα και έχει ουδέτερο pH. Σύμφωνα με μελέτες in vitro και in vivo, το διοξείδιο του χλωρίου με τη μορφή CDS, διασπάται σε άλας και οξυγόνο […]

How I defeated the Omicron parallax of Coronavirus with the MMS

Πως νίκησα την Όμικρον παραλαγή του Κωροναϊού με το ΜΜΣ

Eleven days of "hell", having the Omicron of the "vaccine". Professor of Physical Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine, Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine and Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P), explains below, how he fought the variant - mutation of COVID-19, Omicron, from the vaccine, with the MMM. [...]

What diseases does the PMS - CDS Chlorine Dioxide treat?

Ποιες ασθένειες θεραπεύει το ΜΜΣ – CDS Διοξείδιο του Χλωρίου.

In which diseases does MMS - CDS help, based on testimonials from former patients who recovered completely. We promised you some time ago that we would publish testimonials of former patients, who, with the use of Chlorine Dioxide MMS - CDS, recovered completely or to a large extent. Before you read the list of diseases, see [...]

MMS approved as a treatment for COVID-19 in Bolivia

Το MMS εγκρίθηκε ως θεραπεία του COVID-19 στη Βολιβία

Chlorine dioxide approved as a treatment for COVID-19 in Bolivia Bob Sisson and his guests on CLO2TV talk about chlorine dioxide being used as a treatment for COVID-19 in several countries such as Bolivia and Honduras. Bolivians are now receiving chlorine dioxide, known by its proponents as [...]

Presentation of MMS detoxification protocols by Dr. Neophytou.

Παρουσίαση πρωτοκόλλων αποτοξίνωσης του MMS από τον Δρ Νεοφύτου.

Presentation of MMS detoxification protocols by Dr. Neophytou. Holistic health and wellness consultant specializing in chronic diseases and autoimmune diseases Dr. Neophytos Neophytou explains what the Miracle Mineral Solution MMS is, as well as all the protocols for detoxifying the body. The video at Rumble.

The coronavirus vaccine (Covid-19) and MMS

Το εμβόλιο κατά του Κωροναϊού (Covid-19) και το MMS

The Corona virus vaccine (Covid-19) and MMS Lately we have been inundated with bad news about Corona virus vaccines. There are many people who are scared, and not without reason, because it turns out that all vaccines from all manufacturers contain both nano graphene and magnetite crystals. The real reason for [...]



The miraculous MMS Mineral Solution. The holistic health and wellness consultant with specialization in chronic diseases and autoimmune diseases Dr. Neophytos Neophytou, analyzes in Yannis Demertzis, what is MMS, the miraculous Mineral Solution, how it heals the body, making the strongest detoxification, but also the treatment protocols, which we use for each [...]

What is chlorine dioxide MMS

Master Miracle Solution

Chlorine dioxide Chlorine dioxide is a powerful antimicrobial compound that has a long history of use - mainly known for its ability to disinfect drinking water (for the last 60 years it has been the main chemical used in municipal water supplies). The reason is that the chlorine dioxide molecule works, & [...]
